world (7)

always been here

This starts with reading J. N. Nielsen's various posts on various platforms. I've been reading them mostly via substack. The readings have been leaking through and require acknowlegement. This particular post is in regard to the word world and it relation to time as mentioned in J. N. Nielsen's Al-Ghazali’s Spiritual Crisis (Philosophical Side Quests: Philosophers of the Islamic Golden…

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Sydney or the Bush

In At home in the world I put down how I got to by thinking about ‘home’ and the relationship to/with 'world'. And in writing that decided to separate out the thoughts about home/world and it relationship, in my head at least, with country and country/city, and empire. I cover part of that at Worldbuilding 101. But here are the…

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At home in the world

The other day — in a library — I briefly looked at a book. And thought, ‘another one I’ll not have time to read.’ But I gave it a quick peruse. John S. Allen’s Home: How Habitat Made Us Human is a science essay book which goes over common ground to reframe some assumptions or two that we have in…

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Worldbuilding 101

A large part of my response to the question ¿what is the ethical response to morality? is that we have an moral urge, if not an instinct, to world-build, which in English we can also phrase as as why we should. The details do not matter so much, until we go off worldbuilding ourselves, as much as that we actually should should about something,…

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