meika loofs samorzewski © 2023

Why we should discusses what is broadly called moral philosophy. It does so on the assumption that evolution is key.

The first essay which sets this out is (from 2019): Why we should : an introduction by memoir into the implications of the Egalitarian Revolution of the Paleolithic, or, Anyone for cake?  

RSS feeds for why we should feed.xml or feed.json

If you wish to correspond then try email meikadsl at the g mail dot com.

Other, older, writing is on -- plus some bronze sculpture.

Slightly more recent writing on writing and culture at 

And there are some other bits lying around:

  2. meika twitter -- historical -- i don't do 'x'
  3. mastodon but i never use it
  4. 'why we should' began in early 2023, finishing up mid 2024.