Posts on writing, consciousness and altered states
- The sky pool
- The quote on Aldous Huxley at the end.
- this one links it to monotropism in hindsight
- Writing good out of me worlds better than the old fool's selfie
- Julia Kristeva, Robert Graves & Fyodor Dostoevsky
- Bookending worlds - Solzhenitsyn Religion, tanks, spirituality & yoga mats.
- Robert Ardrey
- Robert Ardrey's The Territorial Imperative
- Figuring out the grounds beneath the world: noyau, lek and home
- Robert Ardrey & Richard Dawkins: use of the Necker cube
- Home again : riffing on Robert Ardrey’s use of Jean-Jacques Petter's term of noyau as a label for a society of inward antgonism
- My writing
- Books and their writing
- Iris Murdoch's Metaphysics as a Guide to Morals (1992: London: Chatto & Windus) IN these I discover that I have been doing moral philosophy if timelessly avant la lettre.