We often try to impose the world on reality
We often try to impose the world on reality.
(this is most marked in case of narcissistic ‘sweorlds’)
However this imposition is impossible because the world does not exist, and reality does not and can not care.
Still, many of us try, which is the first mistake we make which allows us to learn about reality, but repeated the same mistake regardless is not an act of widsom. Teaching others to do it is immoral.
The repeated result here is usually a doubling down on some derivative of the worlding urge, or even more usually the instantiation of that derivative outcome. The final products are more at-hand and close-to-home than the intermediary froms (often backformed in any case: people “identify’ as Christian first and then religuous or spiritual if pushed. Some may identify in some sub-sub-fraction of Christianity first).
All of these are the Duḥkha of which Buddhists speak: dogma & doctrine. These result in and from an inability to learn and a loss of empathy.
Sometime we soften the attempt to impose the world on reality or perhaps we just take a rest to recompose our selves. This is often less than what we might do by a considered suspension of unknowing judgement, and so we recognise differing worldviews on the world/reality-plex, as if these POVs were centred on some meta-focus on reality (towards an intersubjective objecttivity – consensual or authoritarian) But this mild attempt makes a kinder error even as it allows a certain space (by way of toleration & similar) for learning and making special, but the broad church is still a church. We need somethign better than a church. We need something better than morality.
Neither the self nor the world exist (in reality because reality does not care) but we carry on regardless.
Errors are always ours to make. Calling that free will is a strange outcome. ANd yes, calling it determination is even weirder.
Errors like: enforcing the self or world onto reality.
Now both reality and the world will likely survive these errors, but the selfings not so much.
(The model is not the building Samson. Just as the map is not the territory.)
Also more on reality versus the world we self.