writers (12)

Bookending worlds - Solzhenitsyn

D.M. Thomas’ Alexander Solzhenitsyn: A Century in his Life. (1998, New York: St. Martin's Press.) When I was cataloguing this biography I was reminded of the copy of Solzhenitsyn’s The Gulag Archipelago my mother had on the family bookcase at home. I eventually read it and went on to borrow from the state library in Launceston a hardcover of One Day in the Life…

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The need for worlds

Simone Weil and The Need for Roots as an example of the world-bulding urge, and its sub-urges to order order, when/as\how we should should Originally posted on substack in July 2023. There are many people whose names pass me by and for decades I nod and think, must read them one day. Recent chatbots have developed greater facility to 'read'…

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morA Stich in time

Last week in Atlas of non-landscape artists I said that a book had been purchased and subsequently delivered, after I had watched Sam Harris Still Hasn’t “Solved” Morality w/ ‪@lanceindependent in which the book had been mentioned by Lance, with particular reference to Stephen Stich and Edouard Machery. I still haven’t found time to watch the entire stream, but have…

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Atlas of non-landscape artists

Upon my algorithm a video from DigitalGnosis appeared streamingly with the title Sam Harris Still Hasn’t “Solved” Morality w/ ‪@lanceindependent‬, 2024. It’s a critique video reacting the one by Sam Harris (i.e. streaming in realtime while listening to it) . The pair is quite well-prepared so it is not a “I’m amazed” reaction video. This is the first I’ve seen…

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