worldbuilding (11)

The need for worlds

Simone Weil and The Need for Roots as an example of the world-bulding urge, and its sub-urges to order order, when/as\how we should should Originally posted on substack in July 2023. There are many people whose names pass me by and for decades I nod and think, must read them one day. Recent chatbots have developed greater facility to 'read'…

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Worlding the love: romance, romantic and roman

This is a rebooted crosspost from substack written june 2023. See also: Worlding and the sentimental theory of value - part one and Etymology of Romance Terms Romance, romantic are words deriving from the ruination of the empire of the city of Rome. That is, after it empired or end-of-empired, and in those de-intensification of activity and power, its ruins forget their glorious…

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Worldbuilding 102… —Don’t judge the future

My use of worldbuilding draws directly on its use in fiction, both in doing it in my failed attempts at SF/F novel writing, and in genre and literary criticism’s listing of examples. I cover that as an introduction in Worldbuilding 101. This building of worlds has been greatly commercialised in all movie 'franchises' since the 1970s. More recently in computer…

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