Wittgenstein (3)

From selfing in worlding to sovereignty: me worlding Iris Murdoch's Wittgenstein

I’ve been reading someone else’s copy of Iris Murdochs’ Metaphysics as a Guide to Morals. (London: Chatto & Windus, 1992. ISBN 9780701139988 (article) over the last few weeks. By “someone else’s copy” I mean it has pencilled marginalia like Astute Observation and as I have met the previous owner, these words read themselves aloud in his voice. It’s been slow going, not…

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Gap hunting duck-rabbits with Miles, in homage to Ludwig Wittgenstein

(midjourney 2023: failed on Greek red-black vase style, failed on pear tree, failed on duck-rabbit on mushroom) prompt /imagine Ludwig Wittgenstein reading St Augustine of Hippo under a pear tree, greek red-black vase style, a rabbit-duck watches Ludwig from a low mushroom (stolen wrist-pears are not coloured?) Miles is well aware of the… —gap. I am reading his newly [re]-formed…

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Mark Dooley's Roger Scruton

Today I am having: Roger Scruton: The Philosopher on Dover Beach. Continuum, 2009 by Mark Dooley. 978-1-84706-013-6 In a first reading this book, it occurred to me, I might be becoming a gap-hunter, or, better, as in more accurate, I might become a hunter of what people throw in the gap. There is always a gap, so why hunt that?…

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