the…—gap (24)

aporia and its humilities

Divining the…—gap

In Can we define the… —gap? I’ve begun my exploration of this near constant feature of our lives. There is, in philosophical border disputes between theology and science, a term created by theologians protecting the honour of their mono-god, and it is critical of other believers who use science up until some point where they cannot explain something, and who…

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Can we define the… —gap?

Incompleteness, lack, aporia, unknown unknowns and how we carry on regardless A concrete play by 愚木混株 cdd20 on Unsplash There are so many gaps one might ask, "is there only one gap?" One might then answer that the answer lies in the gap, perhaps, so there be no way to know. We urge ourselves on to know. On. You know…

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I mean what have the symbols ever done for us?

Christopher Brennan calls the gaping issue an ‘annoying wobble between’. I like that, it is less pompous than my Janus dancing the two-faced ratios. My wife Mona went to ante-natal exercises called Pregnastics here in Hobart, and her classmate, an old friend, Anitra, said that it was ‘really just a wobble and a chat’. Our to-be-born child is now 21…

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Cormac Orthography, more or less

In 2023, the novelist Cormac McCarthy died. His first published work came out the year I was born. He wrote what I would call mainstream westerns & apocalypses. I’ve only read The Road. At the time there were some interviews with him re-floated, in which his low use of punctuation is given some air time, and how he got there.

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