reaction (9)

Reaction: Marcus Arvan's Morality as an Evolutionary Exaptation

A list of reactions to other evolution~morality papers and chapters and stuff can be found at Reactions to papers on evolution~morality. Arvan, Marcus. “Morality as an Evolutionary Exaptation.” 2021. via Web. This is a preprint of a chapter published in Johan De Smedt & Helen De Cruz & (eds.), Empirically Engaged Evolutionary Ethics, Springer – Synthese Library. The final…

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Robert Ardrey's The Territorial Imperative

In reshelving books on their shelves recently, with the two bookshelves themselves only returned to their place in the living room after we replaced the flooring, my eye lingered on a book cover. I did not recognise it, but it was familiar in the way one's infancy can return feelings. The book is then both unknown and known at the…

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Reaction to Caso & Solano’s ‘Biological and Cultural Evolution of Morality: The Delusion of Progress’

Caso, Juan Manuel Rodríguez, and Ricardo Noguera Solano. “Biological and Cultural Evolution of Morality: The Delusion of Progress.” Revista de Filosofía Fundamental (2022): via Web. 21 Aug. 2024. A reaction below to a paper that came my way. I am working my way through a to-do list of them. That opening “Life evolves; it does not progress.” “To evolve”…

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