moral naturalism (2)

Reaction to Richard Joyce's Evolution and Moral Naturalism

A list of reactions to other evolution~morality papers and chapters and stuff can be found at Reactions to papers on evolution~morality. Joyce, Richard. “Evolution and Moral Naturalism.” The Blackwell Companion to Naturalism (Forthcoming). Wiley-Blackwell, 2016. via Web. ISBN9781118657607 [Chapter 26 pages 369-385] This reaction is really just riffing on ‘moral naturalism’ more than the positions described in Joyce’s chapter,…

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Reaction reading to John Collier and Michael Stingl's "Evolutionary Naturalism and the Objectivity of Morality"

A list of reactions to other evolution~morality papers and chapters and stuff can be found at Reactions to papers on evolution~morality. Beginning with the abstract's opening. My stepping through my first reading of the abstract might be all I do today. We propose an objective and justifiable ethics that is contingent on the truth of evolutionary theory. Wow. A strong…

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