Janus (13)

Is the universe a calculator?

This last week I woke up at about 4am and actually got up out of bed, to write in my notebook, some questions that follow from Newtonian space-time metaphors. I mention this getting up to write down, because it was quite complex sleep thinking, and usually when I think at 4am I tend to remain asleep. My waking hours when…

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Krebs cycle as another pivot

Krebs cycle is another pivot, or hinge, the threshold where Janus dances, the gate is a dance surfing a flow of protons. Consciousness re-iterates this in/by/through/up/out/ involutions, some meta, some complexified, some hindsighted into logic, like the way a bear eats berries to pile on fat for winter. There is a routine there that rites iterate, same same but different, hymns to…

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Proportions of the Janus Ratio

Or, not what I had planned, which involved a matrix of ratios on self/world:reality This is a planned post on proportions of the Janus ratio. But not the planned post. Planning got me nowhere. I ended up somewhere else, but at least I am not lost. ‘Planned’ means that I had an idea, and began mulling it over, thinking about…

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Posts on Janus ratio, or what's the point?

I've used the term the "Janus ratio" to indicate our relations to the… —gap. There are many gaps. One gap is our view in-out. In self, out there world. Here the Janus ratio indicates where our attention allocates it self in world. The point is unobtainable, thus the dancing, and hand waving. The ritual and the dead certainty. The hope…

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