Janus (8)

I mean what have the symbols ever done for us?

Christopher Brennan calls the gaping issue an ‘annoying wobble between’. I like that, it is less pompous than my Janus dancing the two-faced ratios. My wife Mona went to ante-natal exercises called Pregnastics here in Hobart, and her classmate, an old friend, Anitra, said that it was ‘really just a wobble and a chat’. Our to-be-born child is now 21…

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Is the universe a calculator?

This last week I woke up at about 4am and actually got up out of bed, to write in my notebook, some questions that follow from Newtonian space-time metaphors. I mention this getting up to write down, because it was quite complex sleep thinking, and usually when I think at 4am I tend to remain asleep. My waking hours when…

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Krebs cycle as another pivot

Krebs cycle is another pivot, or hinge, the threshold where Janus dances, the gate is a dance surfing a flow of protons. Consciousness re-iterates this in/by/through/up/out/ involutions, some meta, some complexified, some hindsighted into logic, like the way a bear eats berries to pile on fat for winter. There is a routine there that rites iterate, same same but different, hymns to…

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Proportions of the Janus Ratio

Or, not what I had planned, which involved a matrix of ratios on self/world:reality This is a planned post on proportions of the Janus ratio. But not the planned post. Planning got me nowhere. I ended up somewhere else, but at least I am not lost. ‘Planned’ means that I had an idea, and began mulling it over, thinking about…

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