immanence (3)

Minimum viable product

In product development, defining or outlining a “Minimum viable product” (MVP) is a key part of the process used to develop a going concern in business. It's a tactic of specialisation, and is kin to core business as a strategy. Today I am using it as a type of Anthropic principle, where when we ask, say, “why is the sky…

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Deleuze’s immanence: what me-s me to I ?

Reading Gilles Deleuze’s Pure Immanence: Essays on a Life. Zone Books. Cambridge, Mass: MIT. 2005. ISBN9781890951252 I’ve begun a project in which I tackle writing that I find difficult to read. This in order to write in a more understandable way. That is, to see if helps put me in their shoes. I found this book by Deleuze on a dear friend’s…

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