evolution~morality (18)

Reaction: Marian Hillar's “Morality Is a Principle of Nature Discovered by Philosophy and Evolutionary Sciences.” 

Hillar, Marian. “Morality Is a Principle of Nature Discovered by Philosophy and Evolutionary Sciences.” English version via academia.edu of the chapter ‘Koncepcja naturalnego prawa moralnego w świetle historycznego rozwoju filozofii etyki i jego interpretacja w świetle nowoczesnych nauk ewolucyjnych’ [pp. 137 – 159.] From: Szymczyk, Paulina, and Ewelina Chodźko (eds). Dialog Filozoficzny o Człowieku. Wydawnictwo Tygiel, Lublin, 2021. [book pdf:…

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Mining Super Cooperators -- TL;DR: Onion dolls are us

I picked up Super Cooperators: Altruism, Evolution and Mathematics (or, Why We Need Each Other to Succeed) by Martin Nowak and Roger Highfield sometime in 2020… —three years on my to-read shelf. Even at a decade old, it is an excellent introduction or refresher on game theory and evolution, amidst some even more excellent stories about people around Martin Nowak’s mathematical life.

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Reaction to Collier & Stingl's Evolutionary Moral Realism

A reaction to: John Collier and Michael Stingl. “Evolutionary Moral Realism.” Biological Theory (Forthcoming 2013). Accessed September 3, 2024. [via academia.edu] I’ve already looked at a more recent paper by these authors (so this will be a bit cursory. I’ll ignore the LLMs this time): REACTION Collier, John and Stingl, Michael. “Evolutionary Naturalism and the Objectivity of Morality.” Biology and…

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Reaction: John Berkman's 2018 “The Evolution of Moral Wisdom: What Some Ethicists Might Learn from Some Evolutionary Anthropologists.”

A list of reactions to other evolution~morality papers and chapters and stuff can be found at the linkpost Reactions to papers on evolution~morality. Today we have: Berkman, John R. “The Evolution of Moral Wisdom: What Some Ethicists Might Learn from Some Evolutionary Anthropologists.” from Evolution of Wisdom: Major and Minor Keys. Notre Dame, Indiana: Center for Theology, Science, and Human…

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Reaction: John Cartwright's Naturalising Ethics: The Implications of Darwinism for the Study of Moral Philosophy

A list of reactions to other evolution~morality papers and chapters and stuff can be found at the linkpost Reactions to papers on evolution~morality. This reaction looks at the following piece: Cartwright, John. “Naturalising Ethics: The Implications of Darwinism for the Study of Moral Philosophy.” Science & Education Vol. 19 (2009): 407–443. via academia.edu [DOI 10.1007/s11191-009-9205-7] [https://www.academia.edu/94896217/Naturalising_Ethics_The_Implications_of_Darwinism_for_the_Study_of_Moral_Philosophy] From the abstract: Standard…

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Reaction: Marcus Arvan's Morality as an Evolutionary Exaptation

A list of reactions to other evolution~morality papers and chapters and stuff can be found at Reactions to papers on evolution~morality. Arvan, Marcus. “Morality as an Evolutionary Exaptation.” 2021. via academia.edu. Web. This is a preprint of a chapter published in Johan De Smedt & Helen De Cruz & (eds.), Empirically Engaged Evolutionary Ethics, Springer – Synthese Library. The final…

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