bad worlding (3)

colon: concerning classification

This is from an old bunch of notes from two years ago, born digital. If they were handwritten I’d remember better where I was going with the ideas in the notes. I'd even remember whether it was windy that day or not. But now I have trouble telling apart my views from the quotes. Is it a quote, did I…

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From selfing in worlding to sovereignty: me worlding Iris Murdoch's Wittgenstein

I’ve been reading someone else’s copy of Iris Murdochs’ Metaphysics as a Guide to Morals. (London: Chatto & Windus, 1992. ISBN 9780701139988 (article) over the last few weeks. By “someone else’s copy” I mean it has pencilled marginalia like Astute Observation and as I have met the previous owner, these words read themselves aloud in his voice. It’s been slow going, not…

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Bookending worlds - Solzhenitsyn

D.M. Thomas’ Alexander Solzhenitsyn: A Century in his Life. (1998, New York: St. Martin's Press.) When I was cataloguing this biography I was reminded of the copy of Solzhenitsyn’s The Gulag Archipelago my mother had on the family bookcase at home. I eventually read it and went on to borrow from the state library in Launceston a hardcover of One Day in the Life…

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