Reading guilty pleasures

This page lists books that I have really enjoyed reading despite their contents being out of whack with the direction of consensus consideration. If not whacky.

I’ve been meaning to do it for a while but discovering Robert Ardrey’s second science essay book The Territorial Impulse on my grandparents shelves reminded me that Elaine Morgan’s book The Aquatic Ape was written in response to his ‘Man the hunter’ boosterism put forward in his African Genesis.

You’ll note my guilty reading pleasures are not some genre fiction. I read that science fiction with pride, but you will note that the cross over with the list of books below is that if they had been works of fiction then the re-framing still happens but the industries of for-and-against do not exist in the same way.

I will note my main take-away from each book, these will be more quick reflections on the books status than anything the author might be trying to do or say. 

  1. guilty pleasures of an aquatic ape, Elaine Morgan and a scientific noyau (substack)



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