why we should

¿what is the ethical response to morality? 

Games in the hide of our names

Skin in the game & Agent Nassim Nicholas Taleb's journey in the new world [Originally posted at Substack.com in March 2024] Nassim Nicholas Taleb, in his Skin in the Game: Hidden Asymmetries in Daily Life mentions that in ‘teh’ west we have trained ourselves to contrast the individual and the collective, so much so, we miss out noticing the grey tiers in…

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From selfing in worlding to sovereignty: me worlding Iris Murdoch's Wittgenstein

I’ve been reading someone else’s copy of Iris Murdochs’ Metaphysics as a Guide to Morals. (London: Chatto & Windus, 1992. ISBN 9780701139988 (article) over the last few weeks. By “someone else’s copy” I mean it has pencilled marginalia like Astute Observation and as I have met the previous owner, these words read themselves aloud in his voice. It’s been slow going, not…

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Piranesi, the shepherd worlding their selves: The Shepherd of Hermas versus Susanna Clarke's Piranesi

Wikipedia says The Shepherd of Hermas, or the Good Shepherd, 3rd century, Catacombs of Rome. But the devotee bringing a lamb to sacrifice is common across many local “pagan” practices in the Mediterranean. A couple of posts ago (Inappropriation) I introduced the work that led to an awkward conversation. This post is just to add that I’ve finished Jörg Rüpke’s On Roman Religion: Lived Religion…

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Seeing the self for the world, we cannot see the worlding we do

Originally posted on substack.com in August 2023. Evidence for global cultural diffusion post at Vectors of Mind spurs the raising of the question in the comments by Little Kenny, “[…] I am trying to imagine what might have been some of the more fundamental worldview changes and social practices triggered by recursion. Maybe they're now so embedded into our behavioral norms and unrecognized priors that we…

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