Mapping the gap: The night sky is full of constellations rickrolling unicorns for fun and profit.

the first gap is the future, it's child's play

Mapping the gap, gaping at the void with/in-out — mapping the gap is not really about mapping the gap in itself, as there is nothing there.

So then…. gaping at the void with/in-out…
—or, at, not even nothing

Nothing is the first thing we put into the gap, for it is the hollow makes the clay vessel useful, to quote the old guy.

We are the clay by the way.

Once nothing is made therein, we can pour whatever we like into it, and we often do. Out of anxiety or love.

Sometimes this act is sacrificial, sometimes it is political, and usually both, but these libations and glorious spillings of blood, can only be done if one is aware of it. Political and religious consciousness are not a given in practice. Giving in… —innocence…

It is mythically possible, as in Eden, to not know there are gaps, and so one will not be bothered by it not being there, or one may throw things into it for fun, in play… —the way children always throw rocks into bodies of water.

A stone skimming across the water --Killy Ridols - Patagonia

To map the gap is to map these disposals, in particular to map differences of value in the strength and accuracy of an arm. Or the pouting lips spitting, or with vomit.

And so it is an axiological mapping/s of aesthetics, preference, inclination or bias. It describes the style of how rocks are thrown into the pond. How we/they dress, smile, shout, perform, dance and practice there at the gap, it’s a social thing. And if you throw a person into it, that sort of social killing is called murder.

In Sydney there is a popular suicide spot known as the gap.

To map the gap we will engage in studying fashion, in uniform and variation. And however tight the style, the referents can slip their moorings on the tide. Watch:

Progressives can be scared of mappping that variation, even as they boost protection of minorities into their cause, for it can disrupt calls to unity in equality. So while they can actively prefer diverse ways of living, as adverts for unity, they are disinclined (I would argue/map) to create taxonomies, or genealogies, taphonomies, in case distinguishing them apart splits the unity, all while hoping this will engender a new golden age of good style.

Progressives are an older style than traditionalists.

Traditionalists often love to map the variation so they can persecute difference with a finely tuned discrimination, as a sign of their sophistication in making object lessons of people, and thus their own character. This is how caste/race/identities are developed and ingrained into a polity. Usually the classifications arise in practices maintained to erradicate pollution from the world, and win back a golden age that the progressives had made previously. Tradtionalists deny this in order to maintain good style.

Traditionalists maintain the past so they can be seen as different from progressives who are decadent as the sun.

The future is a gap ahead of us.

The past is a bunch of gaps, history is the taphonomically process in which it is preserved by us by/in filling up the gaps with our hopes & fears, justifications & indulgences, as if the past is the future.

While to preserve the past for future generations is to keep the gaps, so we can keep throwing stuff into the them as we always have, a bit like piling in sugar in a fruity preserve.

For a rainy day.

We can never fill up the gap.

We know this at some level, and ignore it at others, it’s a question of style. Or bias.
The night sky is full of constellations rickrolling unicorns for fun and profit.

Conspiracying is a way to fill the gaps of uncertainty with our own assuredness of selfness, while still knowing nothing at all. In this lies madness, and thus madness works us instead of the world we build. Madness has no future, so its gaps only lie now… —in the past, out of joint, the world collapses truly into not even nothing.

A short list of things we throw in the gap can be found at the gap-hunter must known the country, the gatherer of gaps knits them into the world.

Other posts on using abusing the…—gap are here.

This is a reposting of one on