Posts on Janus ratio, or what's the point?

I've used the term the "Janus ratio" to indicate our relations to the… —gap. There are many gaps.
One gap is our view in-out. In self, out there world.
Here the Janus ratio indicates where our attention allocates it self in world.
The point is unobtainable, thus the dancing, and hand waving. The ritual and the dead certainty. The hope and the ego. The world and tomorrow.
List of posts on Janus as a metaphor godding about:
- The Janus Ratio
- Proportions of the Janus Ratio
- one might argue, you might cook, we might eat, we might talk
Other pivots, thresholds, gates or ins-and-outs:
- Reaction review of The Janus Point: Julian Barbour
- follow up Is the universe a calculator? (tensegrity 1)
- follow up Minimum viable product (tensegrity 2)
- Krebs cycle as another pivot: Nick Lane
- I mean what have the symbols ever done for us?
- Symbolism as a way to cope with the "annoying wobble between" as well as a criticism of the human type or foible known as the grammarian.