Ab/Using the word 'world'

I'm comparing two frames ① the world or worlding and ② suffering in relation to artificial intelligence. I should note that I suspect that general intelligence does not exist in humans, so creating an artificial version of this would mean creating it for the first time.

  1. Why general artificial intelligence will not be realized

  2. Digital suffering: why it's a problem and how to prevent it

    • argues "that the suffering of future digital systems poses a catastrophic risk and develop a strategy for preventing such suffering. This post answers some key questions about digital suffering and our strategy for preventing it."

To connect these two bits of AI flotsam, I focus on the word world:

  1. But if computers are not in the world, then there is no suffering for digital systems; or,

  2. Is it suffering that creates the world, thus to allow suffering for the digital systems is to allow them entry into the world?
    1. is it ethical to put anything in the world if it leads to suffering?
    2. is it ethical to forestall suffering if it then also forestalls entry into the world?
  3. Is worlding a response to suffering?
    1. Duḥkha may mean unbalanced, in which suffering is an inability to regain balance/equilibrium despite bias/unbalance being required for the movement that composes the body/landscape, i.e. life begins in surfing the flow and surviving. The beginning is a bias, and wisdom recovers from that unbalance while maintaining the growth the imbalance allows. This is the world, that part of self which is not the self, but is compose with it, and thus with others. Empathy provide the bias to world among others. 

This is a re-working of a post on substack from November 2023.


Bates, Doug. 2024. “What the Buddha Knew about Dukkha That We Don’t.” Substack newsletter. Ataraxia or Bust! (blog). June 21, 2024. https://ataraxiaorbust.substack.com/p/what-the-buddha-knew-about-dukkha.

Fjelland, R. Why general artificial intelligence will not be realized. Humanit Soc Sci Commun 7, 10 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1057/s41599-020-0494-4

Saad, Bradford & Bradley, Adam. 2023. “Bradford Saad (University of Oxford) & Adam Bradley (Lingnan University), ‘Digital Suffering: Why It’s a Problem and How to Prevent It.’” Substack newsletter. New Work in Philosophy (blog). November 8, 2023. https://newworkinphilosophy.substack.com/p/bradford-saad-university-of-oxford.