why we should

¿what is the ethical response to morality? 

Only just-so

In Rob Kurzban’s recent How the Psychologist Got Confused Explanation is a word, but a word is not an explanation —we get an excellent diagram, a four pointer. Pointer as in to point, as in the arrow of whatever puny vector space our minds can handle at anyone time. Like most blog pieces that are engaging, like many one can learn…

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Reaction to Paul Kockelman's 'Ontologies and Worlds'

Kockelman, Paul. 2024. ‘Ontologies and Worlds: The Price of Being Free’, Current Anthropology 65(5): 922–7. via journals.uchicago.edu Kockelman introduces his article as follows: Here is a link for the wikipedia entry on ‘ontological turn’. This is a play on the ‘linguistic turn’ describing philosophical fashions beginning a century ago. It passed me by. I basically cannot stand ontological approaches so…

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Mining Super Cooperators -- TL;DR: Onion dolls are us

I picked up Super Cooperators: Altruism, Evolution and Mathematics (or, Why We Need Each Other to Succeed) by Martin Nowak and Roger Highfield sometime in 2020… —three years on my to-read shelf. Even at a decade old, it is an excellent introduction or refresher on game theory and evolution, amidst some even more excellent stories about people around Martin Nowak’s mathematical life.

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Iris Murdoch and the good of it

No/true! — it's not nothing all the way down either. (I started my reading journey with From selfing in worlding to sovereignty. This is my finished up reader’s report.) reading plato in a martian chasm Iris Murdoch was a British novelist and philosopher who read Plato with a post-Wittgenstein lens, holding a distrust of recent (post-)structuralist temple-smashing efforts. Though this…

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Getting Ursula le Guin and Iris Murdoch to chat a bit

Using use bing chat LLM circa 2023-08-29. Reposted from Substack.com Iris Murdoch and Ursula le Guin having breakfast while sitting under the net where the word for world is forest © 2023 meika loofs samorzewski Searching for: Ursula le Guin birth and death dates Searching for: Ursula le Guin birth and death dates Searching for: Iris Murdoch birth and death dates Searching for: Iris Murdoch…

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