should (3)

If we are the gap

A year or so ago I started capturing thoughts on the… —gap (see link for list of those thoughts, and a sort of list, a list of sorts for the beginning of a taxonomy of gaps). At that time I was mostly intrigued by what people throw into the gap, and generally I focussed on those intuitions (including intuition itself)…

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Worlding on Saturday morning

I put Saturday morning aside to write on the world and moral philosophy from a framework based in evolution’s minimum viable product. It means most of the time I am pointing out that things are outcomes and not causes, or, worse, causal explanations of many things are not necessary for them to be done in the first place. Examples of…

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Anyone for cake?

In the self-help article How ‘Should’ Makes Us Stupid — And How to Get Smart Again by Jane Elliott (warning member only access, but you might get a freebie or two), we get a number of usages on how bad “should” is. This rap sheet lists the misdemeanours that we, as in you, you shouldy miscreant, commit when using…

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