organizer (14)

Posts on morality/ethics/worldbuilding

I'll group that type of worlding which is more doctrinal or dogmatic, or focuses on bad outcomes of worlding under the term worldbuilding. I.E. it is a more intentional worlding, which is conscious of its ability to construct the world we live in, but does not see that urge to world, as anything other than something that must be controlled.

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Posts on the world, worlding

To world is a verb. I found this out writing why we should. Morality/religion/art all those things that should be blurred back together are outcomes of the urge to world, just as we compose our bodies from the sustenance of the terrain, in a landscape of care. These posts focus on more postive aspects. The more negative or doctrinal or…

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Topics and Projects

A table of concerns, if not a table of contents. The… —gap. Gaps of knowledge, incompleteness of systems, that type of lack and what we feel we should do about them. Janus ratio, what's the point? An attempt to use an old god to do better than throwing stuff into the… —gap. Narcissism & Psychopathy People who are immune to…

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Posts on Janus ratio, or what's the point?

I've used the term the "Janus ratio" to indicate our relations to the… —gap. There are many gaps. One gap is our view in-out. In self, out there world. Here the Janus ratio indicates where our attention allocates it self in world. The point is unobtainable, thus the dancing, and hand waving. The ritual and the dead certainty. The hope…

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Posts on Narcissism & Psychopathy

Post that mention narcissists or psychopaths Casewell’s Jaspers, but meika’s Deleuzian Bergsonism. Posts that are about narcissists or psychopaths Series of posts on Worlding and the labour theory of value (but really about narcissists and our value to police them). Posts that are about how narcissists and psychopaths differ from similar looking behaviours on that self-centred spectrum the sky pool…

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Posts on the… —gap

About the gap in more consideration or detail Can we define the… —gap? Mapping the gap: The night sky is full of constellations rickrolling unicorns for fun and profit. Why don’t you use more definition? Mapping the gap… —within Divining the…—gap (Nick Lane, St Ciarán, Lyn Margulis, Roger Penrose) Footnote to 'Divining the… —gap' : Structure/bones & taphonomy of life…

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