one might argue, you might cook, we might eat, we might talk

metaphor analogies you by way of the world like the way coins are words

You might argue that ‘the cell as a factory’ is only a metaphor. You could say that scientific metaphors should be judged based on how useful they are, and no metaphor is perfect. The ‘cell as a factory’ metaphor has undoubtedly been useful in guiding the trajectory of cell biology. I completely agree with all of this. What I wish to point out is the lack of other metaphors. Precisely because no metaphor is perfect, we should employ multiple metaphors, each explaining certain aspects of the cell. Unfortunately, the centralised and hierarchical metaphor, so pervasive in textbooks, is often the only one for the internal workings of the cell. “Biology Is Not as Hierarchical as Most Textbooks Paint It.” by Charudatta Navare,, 24 March 2024.
The analogy of power has… —since agriculture’s rise to give recidivist baboon-like hierarchists some purchasing power to layer societies,—has …overridden the metaphor of life, with ratios of stacked distinctions, however ill-proportioned. These choices are made in order to ration possibilities that societies allow, which previously were bounded by survival, (and not stories of survival, and definitely not critiques of survivalist fiction).
Economics unbounded from ecological survival allow the return of the social primate hierarchy. As primal they are intuited to be more true, more natural, to some who feel that way.
The analogies of power king-hit by pomp and circumstances —have then become embodied, naturalised by the society we both affect and negotiate within our day to day lives. We can call that worldbuilding together, and so these preferred analogies are thus enworlded. Bodies compose themselves with their landscapes in a movement that seeks a certain consistency, if only for the ease of reducing cognitive loads. Especially if you a already a slave dragging coals and bound for Newcastle, a hangry soul.
For Homo sp. : to be embodied as a person is to be enworlded as a role.
They are the same movement that figures ground, that grounds society.
The motion grounds its truth in reality which it has met and so made (its way). The motion has a bias, it has a prior (its way). Survival selects this bias, if survival ever selects Truth, it is a happy accident. Perhaps survival circles such a Truth as a strange attracter. But survival has no reason to stare at it even if we all put it on the coin of the realm in celebration or soulful prayer.
Now then, what’s for dinner?
You can use metaphors to create analogies to live by. I can use analogies to enliven metaphor. The breathe of life.
We embody the world. : I enworld my body.
Poetry makes a difference and in complex economies power gets carried away at it’s self-diagnosed success. That is (like a) mismeasure of survivorship bias.
What should we do? 
Tomorrow? Can we do better?
Factory me a prompt of ill-numbered variations that do not challenge my authority © meika loofs samorzewski 2023

Why We Should. Hobart: meika loofs samorzewski, 2019.