List of all posts, as at April 2024


MARCH 2024

one might argue, you might cook, we might eat, we might talk

metaphor analogies you by way of the world like the way coins are words

metaphor me a ratio just like you

a halting problem I've been thinking about for three decades


Analogy shots

general intelligence and the inner stochastic parrot


Me third go at a zero shot, by analogy metaphor carried me here.

wherein the stochastic parrot is not mentioned


Dialectics as a pointless Valhalla

fighting to die to heave up out of death to fight again


All logic is a prior

all constants are magical noise


Duck-bananas of our known worlds

The chart of your purchases could be embroidered into the suit you are wearing in real time.


blur : two examples that are one example

we need to blur with intent not deceit


Games in the hide of our names

Skin in the game & Agent Nassim Nicholas Taleb's journey in the new world




Writing good out of me worlds better than the old fool's selfie

Julia Kristeva, Robert Graves and a cameo by Fyodor Dostoevsky



Monotropism is a person's tendency to focus their attention on a small number of interests at any time, tending to miss things outside of this attention…


immanence: what me-s me to I

as if "me" was a verb 'to me' then what me-s me to I?


belief versus proposition

loyalty versus love


the blur as a technique in the methodology space

like learning to draw, like tasting ingredients


worlding example : crypto fairy tales

ideology is not the only orchard of strange fruit


“flow” and “movement”

same same but different


worlding (world-building) : arting/religioning/marketing

outsider art and stuffing around



agency versus structure

the blame game takes all the credit


Binding William Hazlitt’s 'An Essay on the Principles of Human Action…'

bookbinding a notebooking copy


Krebs cycle as another pivot

or hinge, the threshold where Janus dances, the gate is a dance


Thrown into being Heidegger: to world versus welten

ontological thickets


Worlding Indexing & goose

notes how others use the word 'worlding': an environmental scan of the usages



one of these things is not here


the… —gap ~ a refresher course

a list of aporia I generalise into the… —gap


Bias & Duḥkha

wheelies out of chaos


I grok you innerstanding, geddit?

usage of words neologised if not eulogised


bad worldbuilding

the comfort zones of doctrine and dogma, traps for the unworldly



a morally authoritative intangible

Lip-service is the purer behaviour.


ritual embeddings, festive rants

Life as it is? It is always shoulded, is it not?


Universal human rights

how it is that empires mean we cannot have good things



Communications: opacity and the finicky printer

printery examples, the... ---gap as interdisciplinary lead


bar fights and punching nazis

Substackers Against Nazis



some usage & links


Codger the child-minder

nevermind the just-so stories (trigger warning -- guinea pigs)


Henri Bergson was wrong, but in a good way

3 minutes of quotes that try to reframe our animal assumptions


I read the whole thing: In Defense of Conservatives Credit, where credit is due

a comment left on Apple Pie



contronym… —when the source is the sink it is all about the flow

because we are animals we teach ourselves to make distinctions definite, like we don't flow but we do


I have explained a lot and ended up with no pleasure at all.

conspiracies of emotional laziness in feeling empowerless


re-wheeling invention

rituals and worlding, religion = doctrinal world-building


Returning in reframe to the flow

where movement began


the world is the thickest concept

lecture notes on gradients of thick description and thin control


A wonderful straightedge of a book, Lorraine Daston's Rules: A Short History of What We Live By

write what you know they say, it'll be fun they said


How others are using the word and the thing that is the world, also digital suffering?

not just me wondering and agenting into the world/worlding/worldbuilding


Things that annoy

an object lesson in the libation of time


forMeika on literature

from my old blog on format


You spin me right round

it's like we assume too much like a record baby



Agency and mores

If agency is more than (freedom to/from) what are its mores?


Stability: order versus the hierarchy

Stability is not what your prefer it to be



Agency recognises the world we live in, not the one we fight over.


Freedom to/from liberty… —lack thereof

policing the psychopaths without putting foxes in charge of the hen house


A panarchy of relativism

and the meta of me and you


Panarchy and me

Wherein I mention things that turn out to be examples foreshadowing themselves, but badly timed, of what is said later. Yes, I guess I always write like…


I've been writing boundaries for various ontologies…

Don Quixote & Loki - the remix Don Quixloki


So I write about worlds, worlding, worldmaking, worldbuilding, the world, a world. How do other people use the word?

Ulay versus the bones of Descartes



Castles in the air, a high dudgeon

Sociology, anthropology et al


Joint attention 101 – mind blown

neurodiversity and other sub-atomic particles


Proportions of the Janus ratio

Or, not what I had planned, which involved a matrix of ratios on self/world:reality


Asking an LLM to simplify ‘Humiliating the world?’

after some requests to me to make sense and to make clear


Humiliating the world?

Humility as a newly found fundamental particle of psychology


The Janus Ratio

making sense of the gap we pivot on to (self/world)


we world eternally in infinite jest

The Library of Babel, by Jorge Luis Borges (1941)


Bad worldbuilding Roger, bad.

No order at all, not even chaos. Not even wrong.


Mining Super Cooperators

This post is a coathanger for the book, so here is my takeaway. Onion dolls are us.


Noting Iris Murdoch quoting Wittgenstein and friends

I don’t really review books, but mine them for profit.



Iris Murdoch and the good of it

No/true!, it's not nothing all the way down either.


Getting Ursula le Guin and Iris Murdoch to chat a bit

I use bing chat LLM because it is more boring, and there is a limit.


From selfing in worlding to sovereignty

meika worlding Iris Murdoch's Wittgenstein


Piranesi, the shepherd worlding their selves

The Shepherd of Hermas versus Susanna Clarke's Piranesi


Seeing the self for the world, we cannot see the world we do

Evidence for global cultural diffusion post at Vectors of Mind spurs the raising of the question in the comments by Little Kenny, “[…] I am trying to…



reading and talking the reading of Jörg Rüpke’s On Roman Religion: Lived Religion and the Individual in Ancient Rome.


On the appearance of a living buddha in Hobart, Tasmania

Narcissism is regarded as a personality disorder, but what if we regard it as a worlding disorder, an inability to world, or world-build.


the sky pool

down to the sky, up to the pool… —and Colin WIlson


Tracking traces telling

From Asgardia to ancient African steel


The problem with empathy

(not mentioning Paul Blooms' against empathy today)


Worlds of difference

Esther Vilar’s The Manipulated Man. (London: Abelard-Schuman, 1972. ISBN 0200718754) Ken's on top.


JULY 2023

.before country (not forgetting ⓪ ∅)

This post has mainly been “prompted” by becoming aware of some “prior art” by Arthur Boyd, though one of the main stories was inspired by a conversation…


The need for worlds

Simone Weil and The Need for Roots as an example of the world bulding urge, and its sub-urges to order order, when/as\how we should should


Reading: The Relativistic Brain: How It Works and Why It Cannot by Simulated by a Turing Machine by Ronald Cicurel and Miguel A. L…

I think I may have not kept my powder dry in writing a review (part 1 is here) before finishing the book. Ronald Cicurel, and Miguel A. L. Nicolelis…


Reading: The Relativistic Brain: How It Works and Why It Cannot by Simulated by a Turing Machine by Ronald Cicurel and Miguel A. L…

Ronald Cicurel, and Miguel A. L. Nicolelis, The Relativistic Brain: How It Works and Why It Cannot by Simulated by a Turing Machine (Natal: Kios Press…


What are you rebelling aginst? What have you got? A better world or a better logic?

Can you fix the world by typing better?


Slash-and-burn is a category killer, just watch me blur a cleaving to/apart

more Cormac Orthography, a detailed little devil


Im/morality and the authoritarian devils among us

Pro tip: attack the psychopaths and their grandiose narcissism, and not the authoritarian outcomes of their injurious actions to our world.


Worlding the love

Romance, Romantic and roman


JUNE 2023

Cormac Orthography, more or less

Recently, novelist Cormac McCarthy died.


There is no narrative, but, the show must go…. —on

last tilt at the world before I finally move on to some orthography.


It's intention all the way down.

Moral urge = a world-building hunger.


Re-hashing the Old Believers

① not believing easily confused with ② not believing if you have no frame of practice noticing 'world-building' is what you mean by meaning


Reasons to be real.

Reason ① versus Reason ② while currently reading Terry Eagleton's Culture and the Death of God


If the world is a thing we have made, then all things are in the world.

we are human because we have meetings


Bookending worlds

Books from old forgotten romantic empires read in childhood, Russia and the world


Giants and dwarves, designers of no import

“We are artifacts designed by natural selection,” Daniel Dennett wrote, to which Fodor said no. “Darwin’s idea is much deeper, much more beautiful, and…


MAY 2023

world unfolding by making it up

the metaethics of evolution, why do we care about this, should we?


The world between

a poetic making us world our words


in passing

because Rolf Harris has been buried this last week


The (moral urge / world building urge) plex

beliefs that proposition 'p' versus the world


Worldbuilding 102… —Don’t judge the future.

a half-baked beginning, morality, ethics and tomorrow


Worldbuilding 101

In recognition of the deep time of culture on country, lutruwita, and acknowledgement of the Muwinina and Palawa, as peoples worlding a nourishing…


Reading into memories of the origins of virtue

Matt Ridley's The Origins of Virtue (London: Viking, 1997)


Why we praise primacy… —the creative doubt

Review reaction remix of books on doubt and "believe"


APRIL 2023

Mapping the gap… —within

vowels space, flocks of birds, mapping plans, composing ourselves intently


Mapping the gap: Why don’t you use more definition?

Beginning to define my usage while gapping-up the maps of us. Matt Carney & me.


really really, yes really, really really really

or, I must get onto that literature search soon


Allowing the gap

suspending oneself in judgement


Academic careers as [instagramish] filters over scholarship and history. Discuss.

Josiah Ober, The Greeks and the Rational: The Discovery of Practical Reason, Sather Classical Lectures, 76 (Oakland, California: University of C…


Mapping the gap: The night sky is full of constellations rickrolling unicorns for fun and profit.

the first gap is the future, it's child's play


Join me on Notes

A new place to connect


the gap-hunter must known the country, the gatherer of gaps knits them into the world

Below is a list of sorts, as an introduction to Mapping the… —gap. While asking why there is a gap is an important inquiry, this list is more a note or…


The woomera is a multitool, get over it you lazy bastards

writing and reading densities, the #proverb, the #pun, the #multitool and life.


MARCH 2023

Asking AI via chatGPT about pronouns and Marge Piercy's Woman on the Edge of Time

per AIdua, ad astra #compositionality #pronouns #SF



Christopher I. Beckwith's The Scythian Empire: Central Eurasia and the Birth of the Classical Age from Persia to China

(Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2022) #reaction #review #ISBN9780691240534


Social mediation… —Primary doubt ① & ②

Tim Palmer, The Primacy of Doubt: From Climate Change to Quantum Physics, How the Science of Uncertainty Can Help Predict and Understand Our Chaotic…


I mean, what have the symbols ever done for us?

Like the poor, grammarians are always with us.


Divining the… —gap

St Ciarán, Nick Lane, Lynn Margulis, Roger Penrose and the taphonomy of gaps within us without us


Can we define the… —gap?

Incompleteness, lack, aporia, unknown unknowns and how we carry on regardless


Why I no longer arts artifacts into artefactual fits and starts : religion/art/ritual/drama/routine

Aaron Wright's ‘Why I No Longer Call It “Art” ’#rockart #ritualactivity #pyrrho #outcomes


Example of a bad "should" No. 0001

We shouldn’t should on people, including ourselves.


Children are wonderful, if I didn't have kids, I'd walk around thinking I was Rimbaud all the time.

Paul Auster in The Art of Hunger: Essays, Prefaces, Interviews and The Red Notebook (London: Faber, 1998) #ISBN0571195105 on page 305 quotes Cha…


Laziness is possible because of effort

Vivek V Venkataramanis, ‘What Hunter-Gatherers Demonstrate about Work and Satisfaction’, Aeon <…


Gap hunting duck-rabbits with Miles, in homage to Ludwig Wittgenstein (ach Hans! it's just St Augustine of Hippo in the pear tree)

Miles Hollingworth, Ludwig Wittgenstein (New York: Oxford University Press, 2018) #ISBN9780190873998 #reaction #partway #review



Categories versus structure/s

Mary #Douglas, Purity and Danger: an analysis of concept of pollution and taboo | with a new preface by the author, (London: Routledge, 2002…


Sister Wendy on love as an obedient art

Sister Wendy Beckett, The Mystery of Love: Saints in Art through the Centuries (London: HarperCollins, 1996) [#ISBN0551030121 It is no #mystery at all…


hmmm, yeah but nah (genetics, memetics and the extended West Cork reminiscence of bookish futility)

Steve Stewart-Williams. The Ape That Understood the Universe: How the Mind and Culture Evolve. Cambridge University Press, 2018. #ISBN9781108425049…


Mary Beth Willard’s 'Why It’s Ok to Enjoy the Work of Immoral Artists'

#ISBN9780367898649 a reaction review


Categories versus practices

#moralleadership, teenagers running amok


Flowcharting faith-based faith versus faith-obeying-reason

mapping Christian byways of #worldbuilding #faithbased #faith #fideism #obedience


Fideism, reason and the gap that is always there

Arnold Lunn. The Revolt against Reason. Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1951.


Mark Dooley's Roger Scruton and my modest proposal

Today I am having: Roger Scruton: The Philosopher on Dover Beach. Continuum, 2009 by Mark Dooley. 978-1-84706-013-6


Fideism the Heresy & Obedience

the extra bit about St Augustine of Hippo


To build a better world, we should destroy the Catholic Church.

Cardinal #Pell's funeral, obedience, #Fideism as heresy and why the Church will never think of the children





Casewell’s Jaspers, but meika’s Deleuzian Bergsonism. 

on medium

Self-care as salvation-- all authenticity but no responsibility

In the olden days a blogpost was a link and a word or two: why "why we should"

what is the ethical response to morality?